104 Days of Sleep Deprivation

Hello PSEO family!

How's it going? What's new? Is life going alright? Classes? We're getting into the "killer" part of the semester now. Morale is low, homework count is high, midterms abound, and sleep is nowhere to be found. There may not be 104 days in this semester, but the song is catchy so I'll keep it ;) (P.S. it's a Phineas and Ferb reference)

I think I'll start by introducing our two newest writers to the team! One has already posted, check out his post titled "Name Yet to Be Determined" if you get a chance! (Hint: it's good :) I'm so excited for these guys, I hope they have a blast writing.

There has been so much going on lately that I honestly couldn't even tell you what I've been doing. There's been lots of psychoanalyzing myself through college application essays, lots of stress-eating chocolate candy, lots of bad/gloomy/depressing/why-do-I-even-exist days, some wow-stop-and-look-at-the-sunshine days, an infinite amount of I-love-my-friends-so-much-how-would-I-exist-without-them moments, an almost equal amount of oh-look-at-that-it's-me-the-failure moments, and just a whole lot of "ahhhh this is due tomorrow but so is this and quiz Thursday what do I do first ahhhh".

I came to a handful of useful revelations after all of that.

  1. I only have about three personality traits I ever want an admissions counselor knowing about and I had to write nine essays...
  2. Chocolate at 8 A.M. is a terrible idea but it will make you feel good in the short-term.
  3. A sugar high can help with exhaustion from lack of sleep.
  4. What even is time management lol
  5. Life is in the little things like answering the door on Halloween (in costume) and having a tiny child say "thank you" before they even ask for candy.
I also had to sit a friend down and have a serious conversation today. Which basically meant I started laughing for about a solid thirty seconds before I could even get any words out. Why do friendships have to be so messy? Sometimes I wish people were robots and we can just turn on and off our emotions. That would actually be wickedly cool, but sounds like a dystopian novel waiting to happen. Anyway, the conversation went better than I ever thought it would and the friendship is saved! It wasn't really ever in jeopardy in the first place and I think I knew that, but it's always nice to have some clarification.

That's key: clarification. Emotions aren't a joke and simple situations can become endlessly complicated once the feelings elbow their way in. There are times when you are glad for that intrusion, and other times when you have to know your limits and tell them to go away. Of course it's not that simple when it comes to friends, but the message remains the same: you have to stand up for what's best for you.

This is the same for purely platonic situations too. Everyone goes through a "hermit" stage at some point, when you just withdraw from human contact for a while. This usually happens to me over the summer or when I'm really really really stressed and I just disappear off the map. I want to make this point loud and clear: don't ever feel bad for taking the time that you need. Life gets hard, and stuff happens. You are allowed to take some time and space to figure things out.

I have a friend who did that for a couple of months earlier this year and she was apologetic when she came back. You know what? Yes, I was worried for a while there in the beginning, but I saw that she needed space and I let her have it. She's back now and quite frankly, she's happier than I have ever seen her. She actually has less of a plan for the future than she had before, but she is much more relaxed now, and she realized that she needs to take some time to explore her passions before she makes a decision on college/majors. She used the time she took to work things out in her life and everything has only improved for her. I didn't hold it against her when she left, and I have never seen it in a bad light because it's what she needed.

Take care of your emotions. Take care of your mental state because your sanity and mental stability is worth so much more than you know. You are allowed to decide how much you can handle. So do what you need to do. Be honest with people who are not helping your stress levels, and know when to take a hiatus. (There are times when a much needed Netflix binge is okay).

Here is a complimentary meme for you all:
I honestly don't even know why I find this funny but I do...maybe it's the sleep deprivation kicking in?

I'm thinking about the possibility of doing a get-to-know-us post since this blog is on its second month now (YAY). Is there anything you want to know about me, or any of the other writers? Within reason, we will answer all that we can! You can send them to pseosa@umn.edu (with "Blog" in the subject line) or comment them below.

Thanks for reading!

Have a marvelous Friday and a fabulous weekend!



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