Favorite Study Spots

By yours truly :)

In honor of classes starting this week and (presumably) the need to find a good study place increasing with every homework assignment, I have compiled some of those I have myself tried or have heard of, in no particular order.

  • Bruininks Hall. It is my absolute favorite place to study. It might seem busy now, but I guarantee that once the first week madness calms down it is a serene place. The location of it is quite nice, being perched right by the Washington Ave. Bridge, and the wall of whiteboards is fantastic for any math-related needs. The first floor patio also boasts my favorite view on the entire campus.
    • Accommodations: microwaves, vending machines, OneStop offices, whiteboards
    • Negatives: seating can be kind of tough if you like having a chair and desk.
  • Coffman. I have heard good things about Coffman, but I personally don't like it because it is so busy and crowded all the times I have been in there. However, it has a lot of accommodations and the squishy chairs along with charging stations make it a great place to relax or meet up with others. There are also some group study spaces upstairs.
    • Accommodations: various café-style restaurants/shops, Coffman Bookstore, Transportation Desk, U-Card Office, etc. (and whiteboards :)
    • Negatives: like I said, busy and crowded so finding seating is difficult.
  • Walter Library. I originally tried this place out because it was convenient. In terms of study space, it has quite a bit of seating with the access to a desk-like structure making it a good choice for serious work. I will say that it is also often busy, but it is still nice and quiet.
    • Accommodations: library, printing, café-style restaurants/shops in basement
    • Negatives: eating food in there is a little awkward because of the noise it makes *sheepish smile*
  • Wilson Library. This is my go-to for studying on West Bank. The first floor/basement is what I prefer but there are individual little cubicle-like desk arrangements up in the stacks in the upper floors. The first floor has individual glass compartments that are great for group study sessions as well as individual seating. The basement has individual seating as well, but the last time I checked (back in the spring) there was some construction going on.
    • Accommodations: coffee shop in basement, library, whiteboards, tunnel system in basement
    • Negatives: hard to find seating (everywhere is busy)
  • Nolte Center. I spent a lot of time here earlier this year in the spring. It is good if you are there early in the mornings but it also fills up over the course of the day. Mostly couches and antique-looking chairs/desks for seating. Also, there was a dude sleeping on the couches in there last semester- if you see him say hi but be nice and don't wake him up :). 
    • Accommodations: none that I know of...
    • Negatives: also N/A
  • PSEO room. Disclaimer: I have only been in there once so if this is outdated info I'm sorry! But, there was a stash of snacks in there. Also access to a whiteboard. Seating is a bit cramped, it especially lacks room for moving around. You may be joined by various PSEO students while you are in there as well.
    • Accommodations: microwave in the building, whiteboards, snacks!
    • Negatives: not a very big space
  • Whichever hall that is convenient for you. I do this a lot-I just find a spot to sit down (likely against a wall) and do some homework before a class. Or you can go outside if you choose, the mall area (the large open space that is across the street from Coffman) is awesome for that (just watch out for people doing recreational activities like Frisbee). You can also enter a classroom early and sit in there, just don't interrupt another class obviously.
    • Negatives: watch out for people walking, they might step on you...
This is just a short list that are most popular among my group of classmates and friends, but you can find a comprehensive list at https://www.lib.umn.edu/instruction/studentsupport/studyspaces.

I hope everyone's back to school experience was good and you are all hanging in there :)

Please leave a comment if you want to add something/if you see there is an error in the above listing.

Happy studying!



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