Dear future me

Hey everyone!

All my freshman friends have been complaining about having to write all these letters to their future selves, so naturally I got the idea that maybe I should do one for this blog! This will be part 1 of 2 with the second part being a letter to my past self sometime next year.

Let's see if there's actually any personal growth shall we? ;)


Dear future me,

I honestly don't think that you will be all that different from the me right now, except possibly better at time management than the procrastinator I am now. Actually just kidding, knowing me, you'll be even better at procrastinating if we're being honest.

So this is you from Friday the thirteenth of 2017 just dropping by to say hello. I hope good things are in store for you.

First, I hope you survive this semester with your sanity, and possibly more importantly, your GPA intact. Here's to being done with intro physics!!! I am also extremely hopeful that our academic teams do well at competition this season. Yay for senior year!!!

I also hope you get all this college stuff figured out and find your home for the next 3-4 years. Everyone says, at least as of right now, that this decision will make itself apparent with time so I'm excited to see if it actually does. Wherever you end up, make sure to do all your research before attending but to also follow your gut feeling. Oh and keep your unlimited phone plan because you'll be calling your mom often for sure :).

As this year progresses, I hope you learn to put what you need first and cut people who contribute nothing to your life out of it. You live your life for yourself. Nothing anyone else says or thinks matters. Stop believing so stubbornly in the people who have changed and clinging to their past selves. People change and those who once seemed so compatible now aren't. Let them go. The only lasting people in your life should be those that can tackle life with you. Don't waste your time and efforts on the unreliable.

Stay true to your goals. There will be people who will belittle you and ask "why?". Have the courage to keep asking "why not?". Be the believer in a sea of the faithless and be an optimist in a world of pessimists. This is the easy stretch right now and I can say that I really don't find it all that easy. I can only guess at what is in store for you. Stay strong and steadfast. There is never a rainbow without the rain.

The one thing that I'm still working on, and I hope you have down, is the ability to go with the flow. Control is an illusion, so let things go and believe that what will come, will come. Life has its course and so focus on tackling one thing at a time and don't worry about what's to come.

Lastly, I hope you have a lot of great laughs and make a lot of fantastic memories. I hope you go to sleep every night feeling content and happy with your day. Go on adventures and live. Do the thing you're unsure about. Talk to that cool person in your class. Try a new hobby. Take some calculated risks. You're only young once - make the most of it. Make sure you have no regrets.

~ Me (10/13/17)

What are all of your goals for your future selves?



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