Murphy's Law

Hey everyone!

This has been one heck of a week. More precisely, it has been one train-wreck of a week. Here's how it went down:

Monday. Need I say more? Just kidding, but it was pretty bad even for a Monday. I came out of the weekend exhausted from entertaining family and working, not to mention I was high-key sleep deprived. My car was acting funny and based on my calculations, it was getting 45 miles per gallon. Alright, so my car gets good gas mileage but that's just ridiculous. Of course, I couldn't figure out what was wrong either so life was just going dandy. I went to my physics prof's office hours for help because physics is being physics again and had to schedule an extra meeting later in the week because the allotted time wasn't enough.

Tuesday. Already a long day for me with lab. Our group struggled with the lab procedure and we were the last ones in there. My lab report resubmission was due this week so I stayed extra late to get together with my TA to go over it. I also managed to get stuck in traffic for like a million years on the way home (I'm writing from the future, the food is better than it was in 2017).

Wednesday. Don't even get me started. Okay, maybe I'll get a little bit started. In addition to my normal load of classes, I hurried out of chem lecture as soon as it ended to make it next door to my chem TA's office hours to go over my chem lab report (draft also due this week). Then, when I showed up to my calc TA's office hours, she had our graded midterms and offered to let me look at mine. Let's just say that this time, the jokes about wanting to cry weren't actually jokes. So I made it through that, and then headed a couple of buildings over to Tate, where I had my appointment with my physics prof. He let me do a problem wrong and then walked me back through to find out where things went bad. But things didn't quite work out because then he had to go due to his wife having an emergency car situation (all things are good now though). Talk about Murphy's Law am I right? Oh, and on my way home, I saw that my gas mileage was now sucking and I had to gas up again due to whatever was going on with my gas tank.

Thursday. At this point I'm done. Physics discussion was a struggle and I went to calc discussion right after. It sounded like a lot of people were banking on the curve so maybe that's a good sign? We took the quiz and I had to sit and think about the double angle formula because it's been so long since I've used it. Next, I went to my physics prof's office hours (for the third time this week!) and found him next door doing something with this other person. He said that he didn't mind answering my questions but being the uncomfortable awkward person I am, I limited my question to one problem and booked it out of there as soon as I finished. I did make it to lunch with my aunt and cousins though so that was a plus.

Friday. That morning I attempted to go to my high school to take care of some things and remembered when I pulled into the empty parking lot that it was MEA. So then I made the drive of shame back to my house to print my chem lab report before coming to campus. #extra40minutes! I was an hour later than I said I would be by the time I got here and hurried into Bruinnicks to meet a friend. And this was all before 10 A.M. My chem lab group was being difficult and by the time I left campus I had a pounding headache.

Weekend. Yay for the weekend! Except now I'm sick. On the bright side, I had a sleep marathon of like a solid 13+ hours straight. If only I didn't have midterms next week...

So, what did we learn from me this week? What can go wrong will go wrong.

Paraphrasing from my physics prof, life will always give you more than you have time to handle. What does that mean? You do the best you can. You can't possibly do everything, so you work as efficiently and as diligently as life allows and acknowledge the limits of your abilities.

I went to an interview for a college a while back and the very nice lady only really emphasized one thing for anyone wanting to go there: be happy with your personal accomplishments. At that kind of level, everyone there is top of the line, A+++ students. Somebody has to have a bad day. Somebody has to get a B for the first time in their life and somebody has to fail. The key to staying sane in that kind of environment is being happy with what you achieve. I'm not telling you to fail, because that would be rude, but I'm telling you to do the best you can and to be happy with it. Sometimes pulling off a B+ is worth just as much as an A+ because you know you did the best you could under the circumstances and you can be proud of what you managed to accomplish.

Here's a complimentary meme for all you lovely folks:

*disclaimer*: this is not me condoning coffee throwing alright? No use in wasting perfectly good coffee on a person who obviously doesn't appreciate the wonderful things in life.

On that same note, I would hardcore not waste a cake on a guy...he needs to work his way up from the cupcake level and then we can talk :)

Wishing you all the best week!



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