Life is an Open Door

Hi friends!!!

How's it going? Still staying alive? Chugging along? We are down to 2 more weeks of school before finals!!!! Who's excited? *me*

Sorry it's been a while...if there's anyone still reading this lol. I've been just a tad busy trying to get life wrangled, and I'm successful enough to get some blogging in finally. Personally, I'm beyond ready to be done. My motivation has been on a steep decline since Thanksgiving and I'm ready to lay on the floor for three months.

Anyhow, here's what's new with me:
  • I finally committed to a college! #umnproud :)
  • Got my goals in order...maybe???
  • Currently passing my classes
  • Prepping for graduation via finishing the last of the senior festivities (grad party plans, prom, etc.)
So, life's been pretty busy, but I did find some time to go out with friends a couple Fridays ago for lunch with our grandpa math prof. 

OMG it was hilarious. He is brilliant, but gets sidetracked with a seemingly endless stream of whale stories. At lunch, I got to ask him some questions about his life, and man has he lived an interesting one! He studied at some prestigious universities, learned a couple languages, traveled here and there, and now is set to be inducted into one of the highest order of scientists and mathematicians there is.

The most amazing thing about his whole journey is that he tells us that he didn't make the best decisions he could've, yet his life still ended up better than it would've been if he had made those "best decisions" back then. When he was doing his undergrad, he was all over the place and didn't always know he wanted to major in math. Somehow, all the doors, except the math department one, shut and he just kinda went with it.

I then made a comment about how it always seems to work out that way, and he disagreed, saying that his wife is multi-talented and could do anything she pleases. While that may be true, there is always the small fact that there will be one path that is better than others. In my weeks of soul-searching, I have found that sometimes life does "nudge" you in a certain direction, and just maybe, that is where you're supposed to end up all along.

No matter how much you might want to go somewhere or pursue something, sometimes that door just shuts and you have no choice but to do something else. That doesn't mean that you're now stuck though because if you're willing to be flexible and to make the most of the opportunities available to you, you might just find that, while this option wasn't your first choice, it might very well end up being your best choice.

Take my college search for example. At one point, it felt like I had a million options and no way to choose. One by one, the doors to those options shut, whether it was because they rejected/waitlisted me, or because there was something about that university I couldn't like (e.g. major, size, etc.). Before I knew it, I just had one door left open to me, the glorious pathway to staying where I've been these past two years. I started this college search ready to take the door that led to the U, and then doubted, and worried, and doubted some more. Life then guided me all the way back around to where I started, here. Only this time, I have faith that this is where I'm supposed to be. Heck, things are already looking up from where I thought they would be.

I had no idea that my aunt would be so right about one thing: "What is meant to be yours, will always be yours; what is not meant to be yours will never be yours." Life has its way of working out. You just have to relax, and be ready for all the little adventures and opportunities it throws your way. You'll end up right where you were meant to be, as long as you keep doing what you're doing.

Here are some memes :)

This second one is literally me with high school people. I'll see a tour of them and think "hehe suckers" and then it's like, "but oh wait, I'm one of those suckers :/"

Stay awesome my friends :)

Much love,



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