Dear Past Self

Hey there!

This will be the second part of a two part series detailing letters to myself, the first one being a letter to future me (see older posts). Enjoy!
Dear Past Self,

First thing's first, you'll make it to graduation which, you know, is always a good thing.

I wish I could say that life is all smooth sailing, but it isn't. Some days, you'll trip and you'll stumble. Some days, you'll fall. Some days you'll work hard and still fail. Some days everyone will disagree with you except for those select few. Some days it'll be like a storm cloud is perpetually over your head and life will seem like it can go downwards infinitely. But other days?

Other days it'll be like you're walking on sunshine. Other days, it'll be like fluffy, white unicorns are showering rainbows upon you. Other days, you'll get that position that you could only dream of. Other days, you'll meet new friends who will stand by you when old ones won't. Other days, you'll come home content, blissfully happy, and be grateful that you are you and not anyone else.

I just finished making the grad party presentation the other day. Let me tell you, you will miss those memories. You will look back on the days gone by and your heart will ache - not out of regret but for the people that were, for the person you were -

For the girl who fell head over heels for that perfect guy.

For the girl who took on the unknown in college.

For the girl who continued forward when everything she thought she knew came crashing down around her.

For the girl who chose to see the best in someone even when others said otherwise.

For the girl who held on through thin threads.

Do you know why? Because you will no longer be that girl at the end of it all -

Because that guy wasn't perfect.

Because the unknown wasn't spectacularly awesome, it was awful, and scary.

Because while some things changed, not everything did.

Because sometimes seeing the best in someone makes you blind to their faults and it comes back to hurt you.

Because you will hold on with titanium ropes, not thin threads.

You will emerge stronger for it all, that I can promise.

Along the way, so many things will test you but everything does work out. I mean, I am you from the future so I guess I would know ;)

I can't tell you when or if the hardest part is over (probably not to be honest) but the truth is that you don't need to know. Peace comes from faith. Faith that everything will work itself out, faith that you can do whatever it takes to succeed, faith that the unknown might not be so scary after all. Have faith and you will find yourself so much more grounded than before.

Oh, and be open about your idea of happiness. You have such an established mindset for what criteria would make a happy you, and truthfully, you have no idea.

You don't get into the best college in the country. You don't see your best friends all the time, nor do you text them with a frantic passion. You won't be swept off your feet by Prince Charming. You won't get a dog (this one I'm still a little salty about though). Not everything in your classes will come as easily as you'd hoped. Not all the people you've met will turn out to be the people they first came across to be. You will be let down and disappointed. You will experience some epic failures. Life must theoretically suck, right?

But imagine this: you don't get into the best college in the country, but it is a good one and it feels like home. You don't see your friends all the time but that doesn't impact your friendships. Every time you see your friends it feels like you've never been apart. You find multiple lovable "Prince Charmings" in novels and some of them can do incredible things that guys in real life can never do (like fly or turn into a very large cat). You don't get a dog but you have a plant and soon realize that maybe you can't be trusted with anything higher maintenance. Not everything in your classes are easy but you love the material anyway. In fact, you thrive on the challenge. Not all the people you've met will be as cool as they first come across; some will be cooler, some will be complete buttheads. You will be let down and disappointed, but mostly because you have the chance to get excited. You will experience epic failures, because you will also experience epic triumphs. Life isn't great all the time, but it is great most of the time. You go to bed exhausted and content at night, looking forward to the next day. You get to be a little crazy, a tad mad-genius, a pinch of curious, and a touch in love with everything around you. And you wouldn't want it any other way.

That is the life I, the future you, live. So be grateful and keep going. Everything that happens now contributes to the life in store for you. Great things are coming, have faith in that.


P.S. Don't cut your hair short, it doesn't look good :P
I hope you all have had a lovely beginning to your summer so far, and are taking a nice break from all of your normal responsibilities. You've earned it!

I don't know if I will post more in the future as I'm technically no longer a PSEO student. I might pass this blog on to someone else, but none of the other writers have been active so I don't think that is likely. Thank you all for reading - you guys have been awesome. I hope my posts have been at least sorta helpful.

Complimentary memes: 

The second one is literally me lol.




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