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Dear Past Self

Hey there! This will be the second part of a two part series detailing letters to myself, the first one being a letter to future me (see older posts). Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Past Self, First thing's first, you'll make it to graduation which, you know, is always a good thing. I wish I could say that life is all smooth sailing, but it isn't. Some days, you'll trip and you'll stumble. Some days, you'll fall. Some days you'll work hard and still fail. Some days everyone will disagree with you except for those select few. Some days it'll be like a storm cloud is perpetually over your head and life will seem like it can go downwards infinitely. But other days? Other days it'll be like you're walking on sunshine. Other days, it'll be like fluffy, white unicorns are showering rainbows upon you. Other days, you'll get that posi

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